Role: General Programmer
In this project I was the mainly programming puzzle implementation and the book flipping. I had a great time making the book flipping and seeing everthing "Unfold" in front of me

Page Flipping
Page flipping was done via animators where the animators talk to the animators in the previous and next page then setting it's frame based on how much the player has fliped.

Sam Loyd Sliding Block Puzzle
This was made by getting the image and slicing it up via their UVs. Then we assign to a gird created in a script and randomize their position on that grid.
It checks the positioning of the blocks if all is correct every time a block is clicked on.

Swipe Detection
Gets the position of the frame when the player touches the screen then calculates the frame when the player lifts the screen to check if the player is swiping up, down, left or right